Day 1 There is a Way
The verse John 14:6 came to mind when I realized that I would be writing about the word way today. My life is hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3), but I far too often try to find my life in other places. As a recovering people pleaser, I often try to find it in people. As I mentioned yesterday, God gave us community to help us along in the journey, but I will not find life solely in relationship with others. There are many times that I need direction, because I do not know the way that I should go. In those moments, I need to seek the Way, because in following Jesus, He will make my next steps clear. Even if it is one baby step at a time. He is truth. I need to make sure that my thoughts are lining up with His truth, especially the thoughts that want to camp out inside my head. What I focus on grows, so if I focus on truth, then my connection to truth will grow.
"What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!"
I'm a recovering people pleaser too and it's been a difficult road out. I love the example you've shared of your daughter's experiment and how you kept your cool with grace!