Five Minute Friday Drive

         I almost skipped this weeks five minute Friday. I have health issues prevent me from driving. I didn’t know at first what I could write about. My mom says, that you can’t miss something you never did. I don’t necessarily agree. I may not know the feeling of my hands on the wheel and my foot on the gas pedal, But I do miss the freedom, independence and spontaneity that being able to drive would be able to give me and my children. When I or my kids need to go somewhere we ask another member of our household (usually my Mom) to take us. I appreciate that my mom is willing to take us wherever we need to go, but I would love to be able to jump in the car and take my kids for ice cream on the spur of the moment, without having to make a plan. I realize that I need to guard my heart. I don’t want to have a bad attitude like is described Romans 9:20. “ On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers [arrogantly] back to God and dares to defy Him? Will the thing which is formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this.” I think it comes down to trust. When I or my children are inconvenienced by the fact that I do not drive, I need to be thankful for my mom who takes us wherever we need to go, and I need to trust in God’s plan for my life.



  1. It would be nice, could I still drive,
    but cancer has put paid to that;
    still, I live, and still I thrive,
    and gratitude is where I'm at.
    It would be nice, could I yet drive,
    but cancer has put paid to that;
    still, I live, and still I thrive,
    and gratitude is where I'm at.
    Can't even ride out any more
    (the road's vibration causes pain),
    and I stay home, minding the store,
    and it's here I shall remain.
    Now, please don't go and pity me;
    though no more Starbucks, life is full,
    and there's a kind of victory
    in finding 'homebound' isn't dull,
    and it's fun to find a way
    to get the most from every day.

    1. Thank you Andrew for sharing truths in your poems. My eight year old daughter beating me and her sister at a game of “Clue” was a fun way to spend a quiet evening at home this evening. I am praying for you and Barb!

  2. Thank you for sharing this. It gave me good food for thought, and was convicting as well.


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