Only Trust Him

           My Pastor gave a message on Sunday, and one of the verses that he shared was one that I wrote about just a few days ago as part of Five Minute Friday. I knew that I needed to come back to this little space and share what I have been learning. After all I know that this post will be here when I need the reminder later. My Pastor talked about faith on Sunday, which is a topic I tend to overcomplicate. Faith is simply trusting God enough to say yes to Him. Yes, I trust you. Yes, I will obey you. Wherever He leads I'll go. I can trust God because he loves me more than I can fathom. I can find rest and peace in God because I trust him. Whenever I am trying to fix it, in my own strength, it is because I am not trusting God. In those moments, I need to surrender my will to God. Is there anything that you need to trust God with today? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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