Live Love Now

       Rachel Macy Stafford's message in Live Love Now is one of gentle encouragement of a friend who has been there. Through the pages of this book, you get to know Rachel and her heart for children, teens, and young adults. Rachel describes being a place of refuge for the young person in your life. 

         This quote made me think of the ways that I can create places of refuge for my children. I want my children to be free to be the unique individuals that God created them to be. 

          Rachel's quote above that being easily offended wastes precious time is one that is very appropriate while many of us are home with our families during this time of safer at home guidelines. I don't want to waste time with my loved ones by being easily offended.

         I want to leave a legacy of love with my children, and that legacy is created by my daily choices of how I love and respond to them. I need to remember that I do not just teach them with my words, but my example. Rachel shared that you need to turn away from distractions to embrace the sacred. I have found that it is hard for me to grasp the sacred when I am distracted by the tyranny of the urgent. I need to slow down and remember that living life while distracted is not really living.  Rachel encourages us to stop rushing and give loved ones our presence. My children light up when I totally focus my full attention on them. I want to make a habit of spending intentional moments with my children and family. I would recommend this book to a anyone who longs to truly connect with a young person in their lives.

I am on the launch team for the book #Live Love now by #RachelMacyStafford. I received an early release copy of #LiveLoveNow. All opinions are my own.


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