Five Minute Friday Last

          My daughter is in her last year of elementary school. This school year is going by so quickly already. I can hardly believe it is already November. In September, I remember listening to the coverage of the 9/11 anniversary. The messages that people left their loved ones shortly before they died always make me feel pensive. What if I lived like any moment could be my last? How would I treat my loved ones? Would I be more loving? Would I live differently? I will close this post with a Tim McGraw song.


  1. Hi, I'm here from Five Minute should know that the link you left on the linkup page doesn't work. I went your blog homepage to ind the post.

    Great thoughts, and you inspired a poem. I hope you ike it.

    Cancer's taken much from me,
    but it's also given,
    and the greatest thing I've learned, you see,
    is to die like you are living.
    Don't look for mountain moments,
    for they do not give life
    that matches joy's' bestowment
    from your children and your wife.
    The tallest peaks can't nourish;
    the atmosphere's too rare.
    It's in the valley that you flourish,
    among your homely cares.
    Some think the lowlands a bleak prison,
    but it's there you see with clearest vision.

    #1 at FMF this week.

    1. Thank you Andrew for the heads up about the link. I fixed it. Your poem really encouraged me. I printed it so that i can save it. Thank you so much for stopping by. I am praying for you and Barb!

  2. That Tim McGraw song is powerful. Having visited the 9-11 memorial in NYC, I find myself trying to treasure each moment even more. I don’t ever want to take anything for granted.

    1. Tara, I have never had the opportunity to visit the 9-11 Memorial, but I have seen a few pictures of some of the displays. I don't want to take anything for granted either.

  3. I often have this same very thought. And, all I can think is I home my last moment and thoughts are upon Jesus and doing what I should be doing...

  4. eeks. 1) I didn't change the name to mine (Lee Ann) as I am using his computer and 2) I forgot to mention I'm your FMF neighbor. :-)

    1. Thank you for stopping by Leann! I have been thinking about the lyrics of the hymm "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." I want to live like that with my eyes on Him.


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