Day 30 Being Honest When Painful Memories Come to Mind

          On this journey to healing, I have found that one of the hardest things to be honest about is what is going on in my head and my heart. For instance, I have mentioned earlier in this series that February 11th will probably never be a fun day for me. To my parents and other loved ones it just another day. I need to tell my parents that today is February 11th, and explain that I am having a rough day. Song lyrics can also trigger me. There are several popular songs that describe domestic violence, which overall it is good that the topic is being addressed. These songs still describe fictional scenes that touch much to close to home for comfort. It is okay to switch the radio station if the song is triggering a painful memory. When I was living in the abusive marriage, I could not watch crime shows that dealt with domestic violence. It would elicit a fear response in me.  It is okay to change the channel or turn off the TV. The most important step in dealing with painful memories is acknowledging them and turning them over to God.         


  1. It is part of the process of grief! Give yourself grace especially on Feb 11th!

    1. Yes, I sometimes get impatient with the process of grief, but I know the journey is worth it.


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