Day 28 Days that my patience is tested

         Some days just feel crazy from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed at night. I guess that is just part of the life of a single mom. I never feel like there are enough hours in a day. Usually the moment I sit down one of my kids yell, "Mom!" Actually I know that these are the moments that I will miss someday, but right now these moments test my patience. I often find my patience is lacking in these circumstances. I am not as loving, understanding and joyful as I wish I would be. I was reminded recently that on the hard days it is especially important to take a time out and ask God to help me. Many days I need a change in perspective. Sometimes that perspective change comes in experiencing a change in scenery . "Hey kids lets go to the park!" Many times I need to remind myself of the many things for which I am thankful. What do you do to snap out of a bad mood when your patience is being tested?


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