Day 2 The Gift of Living an Honest Life

          Living an honest life is a gift. It is a gift to my friends and loved ones, but I was surprised to realize how big of a gift it is to myself. It is a gift to not hide behind saying that I am fine when I am not. It is a gift to not pretend that I have it all together, because I don't. It is a gift to acknowledge that there are broken pieces of my story. I still have questions that I surrender to God daily. I am not saying that I have to tell every person I meet exactly how I am feeling or all that is going on with me. What I am saying is that I can chose my group of friends and loved ones with which to share my thoughts and feelings, and I certainly can tell my Heavenly Father anything I think or feel. Honesty truly is a gift.


  1. Amen! I know how hard it is to be honest—when my hubs had cancer, and people asked me how I was doing, I always said, ‘fine.’ But I wasn’t. I’m learning to be more honest, and it sure is better for my health!

    1. Yes, I am finding that being honest is better for my health too. Thank you for stopping by and sharing a little of your story, Anita.

  2. Honesty is a great GIFT. In all forms.

  3. I believe strongly in honesty, too. Honesty is hard! But it's the only way to satisfy the soul.

  4. P.S. Honesty with ourselves is also the first step to healing.


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