Day 18 Actively pursuing honestly in all areas of my life

          Living an honest life is a choice. The path of least resistance is not usually the honest one. It takes courage to be honest in all areas of life. Honesty and integrity are worth the pursuit. I also need to remember that others are watching. In my case, I have three children who are watching me probably even more than I realize. One of our house rules is speak truth. I want to speak the truth to them, even if my answer is "I don't know" ,or "This is something we need to talk about later." Honesty builds trust, and I want my children to know that they can trust me. I also want them to know that they can be honest with me, and that I am safe person that they can trust with their thoughts and feelings.


  1. Such a beautiful post. I can't agree more, my daughter is watching me way more than I even realize. I just want to be my best self.

    1. Yes, me too. I just want to be my best self, and show them that there is freedom in pursuing being the unique individual that you are meant to be. "There could never be a more beautiful you." -Jonny Diaz Thank you for stopping by.


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