Day 15 Living Openly With Loved Ones

          One thing that I have learned on this journey, is that after the trauma of domestic violence I can at times be easily triggered. My wedding anniversary will most likely never be one of my favorite days of the year. I just need to give myself and others grace and ask God to help me get through that day. Also I need to remember that my loved ones may say something that reminds me of my ex-husband or the abusive situation that I used to live in, For the most part, people may say something that is perfectly innocent not realizing those words cause me pain. This can also happen with a song on the radio, a movie or anything that reminds me of my past. What I have learned is that it is important to be honest with my family about my feelings. It is also perfectly okay to take a mental health day on anniversaries or other days that I know will be challenging. Living openly with loved ones helps me to take steps out of isolation and into freedom and joy.


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