Day 1 Why? (No Better Mom for the Job book review)

          As a mother I have often wondered why things couldn't be easier. Why did there never seem to be enough of me to go around to meet the requests of my three young children. Beckly Kiefe states in No Better Mom for the Job "Oh, motherhood. You are breathtakingly beautiful and heartbreakingly brutal."  I was reminded through Becky Kiefe's words that God invites each of us to walk through motherhood with Him. On my loneliest days, I was not alone because God was with me.

          One of my struggles in motherhood is that I am a perfectionist. I want to be the perfect mom, and I wish that I was raising my children in the perfect family with perfect circumstances. Becky Kiefe reminded me that my quest for perfection is just chasing after the wind. Instead of seeking perfection, I need to seek Jesus and remind myself and my children of Biblical truth.

           I am very encouraged by Becky's reminder that I need to ask the Spirit of God to help me love, guide, and nurture my children moment by moment. I am so thankful that I can pray and remind myself of God's truth throughout the day, and I can share these truths with my children. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "You can't wait until you feel adequate. You have to believe and embrace that God made you the mom of your child on purpose." I would recommend this book to any mom who could use some encouragement in their motherhood journey. 

I am on the #nobettermom launch team. All opinions are my own.


  1. Perfectionism as a mom is impossible. I know. Motherhood is one of the biggest challenges any woman will ever face. I am looking forward to reading more of your series and the #NoBetterMom book looks great.

    1. Thank you Mary! Having a community of other ladies around you is so important as a mom. I hope you have a lovely day!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Tara! It is a moment by moment walking through the day with God and my children. I appreciate your friendship.


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